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תאריך: אפריל 29, 2022 | קטגוריות: קידום אתרים

Since the night of Sunday, Federico Fico Gutierrez is the most steady presidential candidate in Colombia. This isn't his first time appearing on an electoral card. The former mayor was a councilor and mayor of Medellin. The first time he was tested during a national election in which he got more than two millions votes in the Team for Colombia coalition, was that he was deemed the preferred candidate of conservative movements. Fico (47 years old) is currently the primary opposition of Gustavo Petro. His victory through the Historic Pact movement made him one of the most prominent political figures in Colombia.

The presidential campaign is just beginning , and whether the former mayor of Medellin manages to be the true counterweight to petrismo will be determined by the alliances and talks which he will be able to forge from this point on. He will not only be required to unite the entire right under his control, but also must conquer a section of the electorate in the center, which was sunk on Sunday with any leadership that was remarkable. He will need to keep his distance from the former president Alvaro Urbine, something that is not something he's done in the past. Today, the support for uribism has been publicly expressed. It's now possible to subtract instead of adding and this is the first time this has occurred in 20 years. "Federico Gutierrez faces a dilemma. He is required to make an alliance, Uribe's side along with the Democratic Center. However, he has to convince Uribe as well as the center which must decide on its future direction." Yann basset, analyst at the University of Rosario.

Fico is on the path to forming an alliance along with CD, the heart of uribism as of Monday Fico is already preparing for its first win. Oscar Ivan Zuluaga (the former presidential candidate) stood aside and acknowledged his limited chances of competing with his. He provided his assistance. Now we will have to wait and see if the Uribismo collective who is without a representative, does the same. Uribe is likely to support his candidate in public and convince his voters through his presentation of the issues that are part of the Colombian left. This shouldn't be an issue for Uribe. He already proved that he can increase votes by his remarks regarding "security"," "order" as well as "love for the country of his fathers". proved this by an consultation on elections, as previously in Antioquia's Mayor Office. In a recent trip to Arauca (an area that has been particularly affected by violence) Fico said "The bandits are in prison or in the grave." Fico knows well what the Colombian right-wing likes but that won't suffice for Fico.

"We are not in 2018, when the fear of the left was effective, but this time, the voters are not influenced by fear," Basset points out. Basset stresses that Fico may not be able to get Uribe's support due to the fact that Alvaro Uribe no longer holds the title of absolute leader since 2002, the year that the country has elected him president. Even though Uribismo is not in the top tier, it does not necessarily mean Gutierrez can't count on the votes of Uribismo. Uribism is also the reason for this victory. Basset warnsthat "Now his capacity as a negotiator (winning in the coalition] is judged: to convince right, and not spend the entire time on the alliance." Andres Mejia Vergnaud, an analyst, discusses the relationship between Fico and the former president. "The biggest problem to Federico Gutierrez, however, is that he wants Uribismo's votes however, he doesn't want Uribe's picture since it isn't a good fit to be his presidential nominee."

Gustavo Petro is the only leader from the left However, Gustavo Petro is the only one from the right. Fico, if he is able to negotiate, can convince him to offer his support and to take a step back. Rodolfo Hernandez is still in the race despite having launched his campaign independently. Gutierrez is expected to have many accomplishments including the former mayor of Bucaramanga who is an architect and millionaire.

Gutierrez has a lot of work to do before he even considers names for his presidential formula. But what Gutierrez already has is the support from the other candidates for the leadership of the Team for Colombia alliance. And it's not little. He has two ex-mayors Enrique Penalosa (Bogota), Alex Char (Barranquilla) as his companions. David Barguil (leader of the Conservative Party) and Aydee Zarazo (a Christian party member who is a member of the church).

In addition to the more powerful Conservative Party (which won the most votes among right-wing forces for Congress by more than two millions votes) Additionally, it is supported by the sympathy of the U Party, which had an exceptional vote at the legislative level, with less than one million votes. The backing of Oscar Ivan Zuluaga, who did not let many hours pass following the results of Sunday's elections, to assume his defeat in the event of a potential confrontation with the right-wing votes, provides Fico an opportunity to gain momentum in the conservative wing however, it distances Fico from possible votes from the center. Alvaro Uribe (ex-President) summoned his party for a meeting on Monday to find out what the possibility is that Fico is willing to risk his chance of getting into the center in return for being openly granted a blessing by Uribe.

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