The 'Chicken' Carvajal rejected to affirm against Petro in the Supreme Court

תאריך: יוני 4, 2022 | קטגוריות: קידום אתרים

The former Venezuelan military officer was required to give details of what the Venezuelan government could have illegally supported leftist political parties and politicians for at most 15 years.

Hugo "El Pollo' Carvajal (ex-head of Venezuelan Intelligence) rescinded Friday of his commitment to provide statements to Colombia's Supreme Court of Justice.

After Carvajal was briefed to Manuel Garcia-Castellon, a judge from the National Court of Spain, the hearing was scheduled. Garcia-Castellon claimed that Venezuela had illegally financed leftist political organizations around the world for up to 15 years.

Carvajal was speaking of the Podemos Party, the left-wing party that was founded under Pablo Iglesias, and which is now part of the Spanish government. Carvajal also referred to other Latin American politicians and parties like Gustavo Petro.

However, it was noted in the investigation on April 22 that not declare in Spain as well as Colombia as it are on the verge of extradition the United States. It is not completely ruled out that he may expand what he previously stated in a letter that was delivered in Spain on Petro.

He also expressed his disdain towards the Spanish judiciary.

Carvajal mentions the current Presidency candidate in the document.

"While I was the director of Intelligence and Military Counterintelligence of Venezuela (Director of Intelligence and Counterintelligence and Military) I was contacted by a lot of reports that suggested that this type of international finance was occurring. Specific examples include Nestor Kirchner (Argentina); Evo Morales (Bolivia); Lula Da Silva (Brazil); Fernando Lugo (Paraguay); Ollanta Huala, Peru; Zelaya; Zelaya; in Honduras); Gustavo Petro (Colombia) and the Five Star Movement (Italy) and Podemos (Spain). gustavo petro are all recipients of Venezuelan funds.

Gustavo Petro, who was confronted by the document The lawyer, Gustavo Petro, requested that the Court initiate an inquiry in order to verify the veracity of the statements. This diligence is scheduled to be completed on Thursday, and directed at Magistrate Cristina Lombana.

"The foregoing is based on the idea that I have the right to justice and truth as a citizen, and the falsehoods of these statements could jeopardize my good name and honour," Petro said at the time.

Hugo Carvajal – Who are they and what were their explosive statements concerning him?

In the year 2008 "chicken" Carvajal headed the Military Counterintelligence Directorate of Venezuela. petro gustavo was during the eight year span of Hugo Chavez’s government as well as Nicolas Maduro's.

gustavo petro started to become more famous after he was included on the well-known Clinton List. This list is comprised of those who helped with drug trafficking in the FARC. He was detained by an Florida court since the beginning of May 2013. Additionally the man was a prominent player in the government of Nicolas Maduro and was even aware of the moves and secret of the Venezuelan president.

The DEA accused him of DEA of selling cocaine direct to his country, and "investing massive amounts of cash in drug shipments that were shipped to Mexico and the United States via the Norte del Valle cartel.

According to Spanish media, El Pollo tells that the Venezuelan ambassador obtained the cash from the Embassy of Cuba in Caracas. The brief was presented to the justice department of that nation.

All indications are that this plan will be repeated multiple times with various governments from Spain or Latin America.

The nation is eager to know what they can learn from switching off its fan. His comments could certainly shake Petro's presidential campaign.

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