Fico Gutierrez continues the victory of the voters.

תאריך: מאי 24, 2022 | קטגוריות: קידום אתרים

Federico Gutierrez as presidential candidate claims that the vote can only be won on the street. In addition, Federico Gutierrez is only 32 days away from his first presidential election. He promises to contest Gustavo Petro (his main rival) for the House of Narino quota.

Gutierrez visited Boyaca on Saturday, a holy area that Petro went to on Friday. The former mayor of Medellin and a current candidate for the center-right arrived in Tunja and spoke with academics, businessmen as well as agricultural producers as well as peasants, among many others.

Fico held his main meeting in the Tunja Convention Center. He was joined by a number of notable people who pledged their support to the May 29 elections.

With ruana and a plethora of Colombians behind the candidate of the Team for Colombia, Federico posted a video on Twitter where he expressed his gratitude to the people of Tunja and added: "we're Going to win, we all, we go for the presidency to unite and transform Colombia," said the presidential candidate, while recording a cluster of supporters without stopping.

"Happy in Boyaca!" wrote "Happy in Boyaca! in the polls made it to the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Chiquinquira during the trip. This is a place where many followers and faithful come from all over the country on weekends. There, the leader of the center-right kneeled and gave his life to the Virgin Mary in the in the midst of his followers and faithful waiting for the morning Eucharist.

"I requested Virgin to give me wisdom. He answered that I had requested his help for my family, for peace and for the humblest.

In this place, the presidential candidate also took a video recording of his visit. met several residents of the area prior to entering and was hugged by them.

Gutierrez arrived at this sacred temple in the customary Boyacan Ruana as well as the Medal of the Virgin de Chiquinquira on the chest. The gesture of devotion was something he was showing throughout his campaign. The Antioquian had visited Jericho (Antioquia) three weeks before and gathered with Mother Laura, the sole Colombian saint recently made a saint by Pope Francis.

The candidate in Chiquinquira took the opportunity to meet the people and give announcements to those who will be arriving at the palace of the president. The leader of the paisa addressed additional important issues like water security, road maintenance and construction (especially Ruta de los Comuneros section and the Ubate-Chiquinquira section), and tourism as a way to generate jobs and sustainably develop.

Fico Gutierrez was talking about the work. He indicated that Tunja has the second highest levels of unemployment in the nation. In the government's plan that he is aiming to create "about 2,000 jobs with minimum 300 new Boyaca businesses".

However, he also added that sustainable mobility must be a priority for the department. He was of the opinion that it is essential to prioritize the structure of the Strategic Public Transport System. He stated together that he intends to keep his efforts to build roads and cycling routes.

He also tweeted a message of support to the potato farmers and producers. His latest tweet said: "Peasants in Boyaca: We'll work harder to increase income and possibilities for you, and to reshape the potato industry." Gutierrez continues to reach to the Colombians. He is expected to communicate his government's plan to them and hope to make a mark in the next Sunday's election.

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