Petro will certainly not participate in the pension plan debate at the Asofundos Congress

תאריך: מאי 23, 2022 | קטגוריות: קידום אתרים of Asofondos issued the statement within the framework of FIAP International Congress. Montenegro regrets his absence from the gathering. petro gustavo are expected to participate in this pension discussion on Friday, in Cartagena.

" petro gustavo would have him here, and we'd like to be the first ones to ask for his assistance. gustavo petro 'm not sure of the motives behind his absence. As is the best place to discuss these pension questions The president is at Asofondos."

Montenegro said that he was a political agent with Gustavo Petro, the candidate for the Historic Pact. recalled having worked with Gustavo Petro in 1998 during the presidential campaign for Noemi.

"When my National Planning ended, he (Petro) was able to make public statements, saying that the government regretted my departure. In response, he said that I was Alvaro's top official and phoned me to express his appreciation."

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