Fico Gutierrez continues winning voters. Advance campaign in Boyaca included a visit to Virgin of Chiquinquira

תאריך: אפריל 25, 2022 | קטגוריות: קידום אתרים

Federico Gutierrez, the presidential candidate, has made it clear that votes can be obtained by the streets. There are still 32 days to the first round of the presidential election, and he's promising to take on Gustavo Petro, who is his main rival, for the House of Narino vote in the second round.

Gutierrez set out early Saturday morning to Boyaca. Boyaca was a religious section that Petro went to on Friday. Formerly, of Medellin and a current candidate for the center-right arrived in Tunja, where he spoke with academics, businessmen and agricultural farmers, peasants and many others.

Fico's main meeting took place in the Tunja Convention Center. Here he brought together a number of citizens who voted his candidacy on the 29th of May.

Federico posted a Twitter clip with ruana along with hundreds colombians behind him as the candidate for Team for Colombia. Federico declared: "We're Going to Win. We all are running for president to transform and unite Colombia." This was while he recorded a group who support him in unison.

"Happy in Boyaca!" With closeness, being the president of the people, we will achieve the country that is in order and with possibilities; a nation that is where dreams come true," he wrote.

The second person who voted reached the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Chiquinquira on the way. The strategically placed spot is where a multitude of followers and faithful from various parts of the country meet every weekend. There, the leader of the center-right knelt and entrusted himself to the Virgin in the presence of his followers as well as the faithful who waited for the morning Eucharist.

"I sought wisdom from the Virgin. He replied that I had asked him to help my family as well as for peace and for the humblest.

The presidential candidate made the video of his time to the area. Before he entered, he shook hands with a number of residents from the area who embraced him and also wore the official clothes of the Colombian municipality.

Gutierrez arrived with the traditional Boyacan red ruana and the medal of Virgin of Chiquinquira on his chest. This is a symbol of religious fervor he's utilized during his campaign. Three weeks ago, Antioquian visited Jericho Antioquia and was seated in the place of birth of Mother Laura, who has been made a saint by Pope Francis.

In Chiquinquira the candidate used to greet the people and made some announcements regarding his plans for the presidential palace. "Key Chiquira's issues included ensuring the drinking water supply to all its citizens, construction and maintenance roads (especially Ruta De los Comuneros and Ubate Chiquinquira sections) in addition to tourism to create jobs.

Fico Gutierrez spoke about the work. He stated that Tunja has the second highest rate of unemployment within the United States. So, in , he seeks out to create "about 2,000 jobs with minimum 300 new Boyaca companies".

However, he said that sustainable mobility must be a part of the department. He also agreed that it was essential to prioritize the structure of the Strategic Public Transport System. Together, he declared that he would continue to create roads and bicycle routes.

His most recent tweet read: "Peasants, farmers of Boyaca The Boyaca farmers: We will work hard to generate more opportunities and earn more money for you, and restore the dignity of our field." At present, Gutierrez will continue to contact the Colombian populace, sharing his plans for the country and hoping to stand out in the elections next Sunday, May 29.

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